Sunday, 21 December 2008

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Dinner with the beloved journos at Sumitra's. Good food, cold drinks, lots of laughing, serious conversation ... is it any wonder I love this crowd? I am at my most relaxed amongst my journo friends for some reason, or at least, certain of them. I can tell them almost anything. It's odd - I'm uneasy around even some of my ladies, but amongst the journos, I can say or do anything and not worry that it'll be misinterpreted. I miss that easy vibe, the camaraderie and laughter, the poking fun at all racial, political and social stereotypes and the certainty that even when we disagree, no one is going to take it seriously.

Sumitra's food was divine, as always, spicy and tasty, necessitating much downing of wine but also much ordering of rotis and a hint of gluttony. I just couldn't pass up those crisp rotis (well, actually, they were puripatha, the rotis had been finished ages ago), the chicken biryani, the lamb kebabs ... my stomach groans at the thought and yet I am still hungry!

Is it wrong of me to feel just slightly smug at the thought that I know a few famous people, by dint of my work association with them? Poor L was accosted by several different fans, who either berated her for being off sick / on leave from the show, or seemed to be overawed at being in her presence - even though she was in jeans and a t-shirt, face bare of make-up, no hint of glamour on her person (admittedly, she is freaking hot even without makeup, and to my mind, far outshines many Hollywood starlets in her trackydacks and takkies).

Spoke to A about financial concerns, the divorce agreement, worry about the house in Hogsback, his extra place in Umhloti ... even the rich are struggling, as evidenced by the fact he and C are having to put off their plans for retirement.

Hilarious stories about more insults to royalty or nobility (Rhino's not the only one, it seems!).

I love my journos. I must see them more often. To that end, I have invited myself round to A & C's in Feb. Yep - time for more peppermint-choc liqueur!

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