Monday, 22 December 2008

Fun in the sun

Lunch with Sunshine and Guttermind today (Poo-Facie and Diva in attendance). Good food (and lots of it), as cooked by Guttermind in a sober state; lots of laughing; loud music (he's finally rebuilding his music video collection after losing 60GB in a hard-drive failure).

Then it was into the pool, splashing and diving and jumping and throwing of coasters for added fun. I like that no one tried to drown anyone else, or got all stupid. Well, until Guttermind did a backflip too close to the side of the pool and nailed his knee on the bricks. Diva dashed off and got him an ice pack, and we all got out of the pool. Naturally, there was concern, which became part of the easy banter in which we all indulge. He hurt, but he felt better.

Diva and I went off for a nap (I was in the main bedroom with the delicious aircon on, snuggled under a lovely duvet) while the boys played on the PS3 and Wii, and Sunshine read a book. What bliss!

All in all, a fabulous time was had by all. I love going to their house - they are the consummate entertainers, and the sweetest people ever, too.

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