Monday, 27 September 2010

10 things to tell 17-year-old me

Inspired by Sam Wilson of Women24, here's my list:

1. Don't get so het up about the guy you're with. All he wants is a good little Christian girl who'll listen to his mother. Just keep moving on.
2. The best decision you ever made was to move to Jo'burg. Don't let aforesaid guy talk you out of it. The move really opens up your horizons - and you meet a bunch of truly fantastic people who'll turn your life into a wild ride!
3. You can ask for your matric papers to be re-marked. That means you'll probably be able to get into university, since you were only a point or two away with your current marks. Try to get into Rhodes.
4. It's not that bad, being in another city. You can cope all by yourself.
5. Love the shape you're in now, and start those martial arts classes you're always thinking about. Remember that you take after your father and gran, and they're not the best physical role-models. You're a hot chick; now turn yourself into a hot chick who can kick ass.
6. You should start taking those riding lessons you've always dreamed about. One day you'll have arthritis in your knees and find it too difficult to mount a horse.
7. Be a little more of a rule-breaker. Don't always be so polite. You have no idea what kind of trouble it's going to cause for you, this kow-towing to authority.
8. Computers. Keep your interest high; don't pay attention to that putz from Point 1. You can translate that into a job that makes you happy for a change.
9. Embrace your geekiness. You're a word geek; don't let technikon destroy that. You want to be a librarian? Go and study that instead of journalism. I promise, you'll love it.
10. Never forget that you're a fighter. It stands you in good stead just when you need it.

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