Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Stockholming myself - Day 1

Temerity Jane is running the Stockholming Myself project and I figured, why not join? I hate having photos taken, so maybe this will force me to get rid of the rictus grin and lack of eye contact.

This is as close to full-length as I'll get, for now. Apologies for the lighting; I love my Hero, but it does have the crappiest camera ever. Today I'm wearing one of my favourite tops; I bought it at a maternity-wear boutique when I took Moosquared shopping. Why should pregnant ladies have all the cute clothes? My (wrinkled, despite having been ironed) olive trousers - next to the matching black pair, my favourite 'smart' trousers. Pity you can't see my super-cute shoes (another Moosquared find). I don't know why the top is doing that divide-y thing in front, it's a weird kind of fold, I guess.

All in all, not too bad; I like the way I look when I wear this particular outfit (expect to see much more of this top). Just need to focus on those picture-posing skills!

TJ says: It’s looking at yourself every single day until you like what you see – either through change or through acceptance.
Go check out TJ's Stockholming page and visit the other players!


  1. Welcome to the project madness :) We're glad to have you on board, cute shirt and all!

  2. Thanks! If nothing else, at least this will get me to blog! :-)

  3. This shirt is the cutest thing I have ever seen. It has never occurred to me to shop at a maternity store, but you're right - sometimes those clothes are wicked adorbs. Nice!

  4. Love that shirt! I still have a few maternity tops that I've kept that I really like.

  5. The blogging thing really is the secondary reason I'm doing it; I was unblogged for almost 2 years! And now--three posts in four days. It's going pretty well, I think.

    And you have just set me free. I have been resisting the siren lure of the maternity section, thinking the clothes will make me look pregnant. You just look great, not pregnant--hooray! All bets are off!

  6. Thanks, ladies! Yay! I'm glad I've had a good influence then. I figure, pregnant women have been asking for cute clothes for so long, and empire waists have been in fashion for ages, so what's the difference? As long as there are no pleats, it's all good.


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