Anyway, I decided to take off on a few Friday afternoons so that I could meet the tattoo artist and start work on the ink itself. I visited Golden Tiki on Saturday, 15 October, and ended up not speaking to Sean - whom I'd initially envisaged, as his style is more realistic and therefore close to what I want - as he was busy inking someone at the time. Actually, none of the others were there, either, so I spoke to Chelsea-Rae, who advised me to go with her husband, Busta (Ryan) Boltoon. Unfortunately, he was in Cape Town so I couldn't speak to him personally.
During the week, I wrote to him and explained my concept, but I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he wasn't the right person for this particular ink, as his style is more cartoony than I wanted. Then on Friday morning, MadCat came home early and we had a chance to sit and takl about it - and he convinced me that I was rushing into the book tattoo and should rather go for my sci-fi back piece - the one with the Stargates.
Bing! And a light went on.
I visited Busta that afternoon and he was uber-cool about it! He gave me some fantastic ideas and also advised that if I want to get in as much detail as possible, I should go for a full back piece and not just the top of my back. So my ideas have undergone a complete 360 and my Stargates aren't going to be linked anymore, but scattered, so that they can be varying sizes and locations, and we can have ships passing by and casting flame or energy highlights on them, or passing behind them, etc.
I also had to give Busta a motivation, and here's what I eventually figured:

Star Trek and Star Wars are self-explanatory; I grew up with these and they're my full-on geek loves.

I'm really excited about this piece because I want to get in as much ink as I can before we get married. Okay, so that's only happening in 2015, but that still doesn't leave much time to get my tattoos AND save for an awesome wedding (and, of course, design an outfit that will show off all this lovely work!).
So, there you have it. I'm getting my sci-fi back piece! It's going to take about a year of monthly work, and I'm trying not to think about the pain and the cost, but damn! I'm jonesing for that first prick of the needle and I absolutely cannot WAIT for my ink to start!
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